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Register for INDX Accessories 2020!

We’re delighted to invite you to The INDX Accessories Show 2020. Our team will be there from 24-25th March, showcasing our Autumn/Winter 2020 collection along with our brand new Sustainable and Premium options. Tickets are FREE and the event is open to all so if you’d like to come and see us, here’s everything you … Continued

Visit Us & Win at INDX Menswear!

It’s almost time for our first show of the decade and we couldn’t be more excited to be kicking off 2020 with a stunning new collection and two brand new ranges! The Boardmans team will be at Cranmore Park in Solihull for the INDX Menswear Show from Sunday 26th-Tuesday 28th January and we have an … Continued

How to Pick the Perfect Piece for Ladies Day

Race season is well and truly underway and every year we look forward to seeing the assortment of head pieces from wide brimmed hats to small and stylish pillbox fascinators. Almost every racecourse up and down the country has its own Ladies Day event, which is often regarded as the fashion highlight of the season. … Continued


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