A Global Reach

With partnerships located in China and Vietnam, our dedicated personnel control the manufacture, quality and compliance processes to exceed industry standards.



All of Boardmans tier 1 production facilities and tier 2 dye and print mills are registered to the B.E.P.I where they have each fully completed detailed S.A.Qs and are actively working to improve their environmental footprint.


All of Boadmans tier 1 production facilities have in date, independently audited Sedex Smeta ETI audits and some form of independently audited technical compliance audit.

Compliance Team

Boardmans also employs its own dedicated compliance team with staff based in both the UK and China offices.

The team ensures we are fully up to date with all legal and customer regulations and requirements and are actively carrying out internal audits across all facilities. Each of these audits are fully documented and are available to any of our customers upon request.

Waste Water

All of Boardmans tier 2 dye and print mills have taken wastewater/sludge testing as part of our chemical detox initiative.

All test results are loaded into the international I.P.E platform; our leather factories use tanneries that are L.W.G certified.

Due Diligence

Boardmans carry out regular due diligence testing across all product areas to ensure we are fully compliant to required levels of both physical and chemical testing.


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