The Life of a Fashion Supplier at INDX 

On the 1st and 2nd of February 2023, our team attended the INDX Womenswear Show held at Cranmore Park Exhibition Centre in Solihull.  

The show provides the opportunity for buyers and suppliers to trade in an informal and professional buying environment, stress-free and relaxed.  

We thought we’d take you through our experience at INDX as a Fashion Supplier! 

Set-Up Day, Pre-Show: 

  • Sales team arrived with the bespoke stand set-up and samples 
  • Lay down samples in colour stories on the floor 
  • Transfer collection to the wall, using hat arms, scarf and glove hangers/hooks 
  • Review until the team are happy with the visual merchandising 


Show Day 1: 

  • Arrival at 8am to the all-new show, combining Womenswear and Accessories, nice and early with time for tweaks 
  • Final review of display 
  • Show doors open at 8:30am 
  • Customers come to view our collection. It was lovely to greet familiar faces, along with plenty of new customers. They will have a browse of the walls as a whole, and then begin to pull off their favourite pieces, guided by our sales team’s expert knowledge, creating their own unique visual story, tailored to their company taste 
  • Orders are officially confirmed 
  • Walls are re-dressed and then we’re ready for the next! 
  • 6PM: Drinks, Canapes, Live Music and a Fashion Show for us to enjoy after a busy day with our customers, and a perfect opportunity to unwind and network. 
  • Early night to re-charge, ready for Day 2 

Show Day 2: 

  • Arrival again early morning, making sure the stand is looking fresh and show-ready. The team thankfully fueled by the complimentary barista on-site! 
  • Show doors open again at 8:30am 
  • Show Day 2 we saw most customers, existing and new, whom had spent show day 1 stocking their clothing ranges for their new collections and were looking to pair back their accessories to their buy, ready to place orders with us 
  • The team enjoyed a super delicious lunch in the on-site dining suite, ready for the final afternoon push 
  • As the show draws to an end, the team begin to carefully pack away our samples, disassembling the stand and having a good ol’ tidy-up before we head home.  

And that’s it! The show was fantastic, and we look forward to the next one! 


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