Accessories Define Autumn Style at MODA

Moda Accessories will present an edit of contemporary accessories labels designed to complement the core styles of the season this February. Having streamlined its design in recent seasons – including the incorporation of the directional Adorned plaza and a new accessible layout of collections by category – Moda Accessories will build upon its new-look identity for the a/w 17 season.

“Although I have been exhibiting for many years, August’s show really surpassed my expectations,” says Stuart Robinson, director at Accessories by Park Lane. “We launched a new line Moda Accessories and the reaction was overwhelming; it was fantastic to be able to meet so many different types of buyers from boutiques to gift stores, all of which were business-focused and serious about buying into the collection.”

For dedicated accessories buyers, Moda Accessories is the key date on the calendar to view a wide range of brands across a niche sector.

“I have attended Moda for over 15 years,” says Sarah Rhodes, owner of Get Ahead Hats in Great Harwood, Blackburn, Lancashire. “I saw all the brands that I needed to see in August, and I will be back at the show in 2017.”

For those buying across the sectors meanwhile, Moda presents an unrivalled opportunity to buy complementary ranges across the full spectrum of the industry.

“I felt very positive about the forthcoming season having attended Moda in August,” says Scott Taylor, head buyer at Fife Country in Scotland. “I walked away with two new footwear labels, two new womenswear brands, two new menswear brands and a new accessories label this time around, and found the show to be very well-organised as usual.”

To enquire about Boardmans new a/w 17 collection, please contact

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